How To Access And Use Webmail

In this guide, we will be walking you through how you can use Webmail to manage your Easy Domains email address.

Before You Begin!

If you don't have an email address set up with Easy Domains, you can contact us here or raise a support ticket. Each of our email addresses come with 10GB of inbox storage and UK-based support.

Logging Into Webmail

After setting up your email address, you will now be able to log in to Webmail.

Start by visiting your domain name - forward slash - webmail: eg.

You will be redirected to the Webmail login page, as seen below.


Webmail Apps

You will then be prompted with the available Webmail applications. You can set one as your default or just log in to your email account. For the purposes of this example, only Roundcube is available.


Composing Emails

Once you've accessed your Webmail inbox, please click on the "Compose" button towards the top-left of your screen.


You will be able to compose an email to be sent from your Easy Domains email address.

From the compose section, you will find that Webmail offers most of the same basic features available on desktop and mobile apps. Features such as, attachments, signatures, canned responses and more.

Sending Emails

After you have finished composing your email, simply press the "Send" button that's underneath the text-box.


Refreshing Emails

To refresh your inbox for new emails, simply click the "Refresh" button next to "Options" that's located above your inbox list.


And you're done! Webmail is a quick and easy way to send email from any location.


Need Help?

If you run into any problems using Webmail for your Easy Domains email account, please feel free to contact our team here.